by Penelope | Jun 5, 2018 | Penelope's Pitstop, Radio Shows
In our stressed economy, we’re all looking for extra ways to make a buck. Sometimes just an extra hundred or two per month will do the trick. With so many choices, where do we look? There are multiple ways to create extra income as you’ll read on...
by Penelope | Feb 6, 2018 | Penelope's Pitstop, Writing
Do you ever feel behind life’s cue ball, always struggling to catch up? Perhaps you believe everyone but you is flying high and achieving all their goals and dreams. Sound familiar? Maybe you feel as if the train has left the station and you’re not on it....
by Penelope | Nov 8, 2017 | Penelope's Pitstop, Writing
Introducing….Henrietta One of my favorite writers (and artist extraordinaire), has created a wonderful infographic to help us bust through common writer’s block. If you’d like to share, click on the link at the bottom, grab the code, and embed on...
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