
Author Nicola Cooper-Abbs















Radio Show Interview

About the Author

After arriving home from the hospital, learning to care for your newborn baby is hard enough. Now combine this with needs of an energetic, attention-loving toddler, and the day-to-day tasks can take their toll.

In this fascinating book from Central YMCA, one of the UK’s leading health and well being charities, Nicola Cooper-Abbs, herself a mum of two, gives brilliant insight into these often unforeseen challenges. Challenges which can be overcome with this guidebook at your side.

Written with parents in mind from pregnancy through the early days following the birth of their second child, and on through the first few months, this book will prepare you for the adventures that lie ahead.

Nicola says, “At the time I would have welcomed an easy-to-digest book with some top hints and tips on the areas I really struggled with—things I often felt too embarrassed to ask friends or the health visitor about. And this is how this book was born.”

Book on Amazon

I’d love to hear from you! Let me know if you still have small children at home and how you cope.


Penelope Silvers is founder of,
where Independent Authors are introduced to the World!
She is a freelance writer, publisher, and radio host of
Penelope’s Book Chat on Blog Talk Radio.

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