How to Write a Novel in 30 Days or Less Poster

How to Write a Novel in 30 Days or Less Printable Poster.

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NaNoWriMo is Over

We’re now seeing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in our rear view mirror. But if you call yourself a writer, the brakes didn’t screech to a halt come November 30.

I stumbled upon a blog article that gave us seven steps we could follow to write our novel in 30 days or less—part of a process they call story engines. However, the planning will be done prior to that time, so it may actually take longer.

Admittedly, I’m a visual nut. I can read to my heart’s content, but it doesn’t stick unless it’s right in front of my nose plastered on the wall. A relaxing Caribbean background image doesn’t hurt either. These steps remind us that no matter plotter or pantser, there’s still a logical process to writing a book.

Seven Steps to Writing a Novel

Author Joe Nassise explains the seven steps in detail. He’s a New York Times Bestelling author of over 40 novels (in several languages – and with over 1 million books in print) via Nick Stephenson’s website here:

How to Write a Novel in 30 Days or Less

To accomplish to this goal? 50,000 words in 30 days is 1,667 words per day. You’ll need to set aside one to two hours per day to write at this pace.

Future Learn University

If you feel you need to start at the very beginning, and progress a bit slower, you may want to sign up for a course on writing fiction. In an upcoming post, I’m going to write about my experience in the 10-week Future Learn University Writing Fiction course. It is absolutely free and highly recommended!

Future Learn University

I’d love to hear from you! Have you written or in the process of writing a novel? If so, tell us about it!




Penelope Silvers is a freelance writer, author,
and radio host of Penelope’s Book Chat on Blog
Talk Radio. She lives simply and sanely on Florida’s
beautiful nature coast.

DISCLOSURE:   I only recommend books that I have read myself. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you choose to make a purchase. Thank you for your support of this blog.

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