by Penelope | Jul 9, 2018 | Penelope's Pitstop, Ramblings
Photo Credit Alexis Fauvet on Unsplash Remember the story of Cinderella? You probably watched this Disney movie as a child, so it may have been quite a few years. Here’s a reminder to jog your memory. A beautiful girl lives with her stepmother and two ugly...
by Penelope | Mar 12, 2018 | Penelope's Pitstop, Ramblings
If you missed all the great wisdom in the last two posts, you’ll find them here: January-April Calendar May-August Calendar You now have an entire year of inspiring, encouraging, and motivating words. My prayer is that you will feel a little spark of hope in...
by Penelope | Mar 5, 2018 | Penelope's Pitstop, Ramblings
In case you missed it, the January-April Encouragement Calendar is here. #1 in a series of three. Inspiration and Encouragement for Life’s Journey Are you stressed? Feeling depressed and defeated? Do you need Inspiration? Encouragement? Motivation? If so,...
by Penelope | Dec 20, 2017 | Penelope's Pitstop
LIVESTRONG AND THE YMCA My 12-week Livestrong Program at the YMCA ended last week. The program is free for cancer patients (current or past) and their spouses or caregivers. You can attend a YMCA and have access to facilities and all classes during this time. Oh, and...
by Penelope | Aug 23, 2017 | Radio Shows
Brian’s Book Alone and blind at 29,000 feet! Former Navy rescue swimmer Brian Dickinson was roughly 1,000 feet from the summit of Mount Everest—also known as “the death zone”—when his Sherpa became ill and had to turn back, leaving Brian with a...
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